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The Crew of the Drunken Ferret

Finnian Kestrel
Captain - Tentacle Monster

Seymour Staynes
Ship's Carpenter

Lassie Lyons
Ship's Quartermaster

Paddy McFooglemoogle
Ship's Lorax

Ship's Punisher

Greasy Annie
Ship's cat

Ship's Shantythem

Sorrel Squeakfoot
Ship's Squeak Toy Cheesefarmer

Billy Jack Mast
Ship's Navigator

Just Chestine
Ship's Chest Wench

Stabbing Maggie O'Malley
Ship's Ginsu Knife

Tanya Hyde
Ship's Bosun

One Eyed Mike
Ship's Siren
PFS in the Wild

PFS Depot Show_2022

PFS Fellspoint Pirate Festival_2019


PFS Depot Show_2022
In Memoriam
The hardest part of a sailor's day is to watch the sun as it slips away.

Azure Skye ~
Sandra Gilbert-Everett
Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die.

Stringalong Jim ~
Jim Everett
Just tell me old shipmates I’m taking a trip, mates and I’ll see you some day on Fiddler’s Green.

Tiki ~
Lori Lindell Riggs Krist
Wherever you die, I shall die And there shall I be buried beside you.
We shall be together forever And our love will be the gift of our lives.
We shall be together forever And our love will be the gift of our lives.

Narwhal Ned ~ Geoffrey Drumheller 1954-2021
An honorary ferret, a friend and a fan. Narwhal Ned has been an avid supporter of the Pirate Community and a close friend of Pirates for Sail since the beginning many years ago. He will be sorely missed and his passing is heartbreaking. Raise a glass with us for a life well lived, and a man well loved. Farewell shipmate, may calm seas carry you to Fiddler's Green, wait for us there dear friend. We will see you again someday.

Tinker ~ Chester Lee Davis 1953-2020
Pirates for Sail and the Pirate community at large grieve the passing of Tinker of The Valhalla Pirates. Known by many for his merry heart and good natured soul, when he was not garbed up as a pirate he was donning the red suit as Santa Claus and donating his time for charities and appearing in publications and movies. He was the very best of us, no finer a sailor have we ever met. Lift up your tankards to a life well lived, and a man well loved. Clink for Tink!

Carl ~ Captain Blue Beard
We are all Sons of the Waves. You will be honored forever dear friend.

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